How Long Should A Table Runner Be?
Are you looking to purchase a table runner but don’t know how long it should be?
Maybe you have heard people discussing the correct length for a table runner and want to know more?
Whatever brought you here today, we have the answer for you!
We know how frustrating it can be to search for a table runner and be met by questions rather than solutions.
Suddenly you are worrying about the correct length of a table runner, what style you should opt for and if it will be too short for your table.
And you thought this would be easy!
Well, we are here to take the stress out of the buying process for you!
Keep reading to find out how long a table runner should be and get the answers to any of your other questions today!
What Is A Table Runner?
Before we dive in, let’s have a quick recap for those that need it! A table runner is a narrow piece of fabric that usually runs vertically down the middle of your table.
These decorative items are often used on top of tablecloths to add a splash of color or to break up the pattern.
Table runners tend to be used on dining tables and sideboards.
These days they come in a range of colors and patterns, meaning you can find one that will suit your current decor and style.
You can also find table runners with tassels and other decorative items on the sides like baubles and bells.
No matter the style you like, there is sure to be a style that suits you!
Now that we have established what a table runner is, let’s move on and look at how long one should be!
How Long Should A Table Runner Be?
The length of a table runner will depend on the size of your table. Ideally, you want it to hang six inches over the end of your table.
Now, you don’t want it to be longer than your table cloth, so you might find that you need a shorter tablecloth or runner so that they are the same length (excluding any tassels or fringing).
So if your table is 60 inches long, you would want your table runner to be 72 inches long. This ensures that the table runner covers the length of the table and hangs off each edge in equal measure.
To find out how long your table runner should be, you should start by measuring the length of your table. We recommend doing this twice to ensure that your measurements are correct.
Next, if you already have a table cloth you should place it on your table and again measure the length.
Alternatively, if the length of the table cloth is listed on the cloth or packaging, you can just check the length there.
Ideally, your tablecloth would be 12 inches longer than your table, allowing for it to hang from the sides of your table 6 inches on either side.
This way, you won’t need to purchase a new tablecloth or look for a different-sized table runner.
If the tablecloth is shorter, then you can purchase a shorter table runner. You will still want it to be the same length as the table cloth so that they finish at the same length.
This gives your table a cohesive look and neat edges that we all crave.
You can also purchase a longer table cloth if you wish that would allow you to get the six inches on either side of the table.
When purchasing a new table cloth and runner you will want the length of these to be the same.
You can check this on the packaging or the product description when purchasing a tablecloth and table runner online.
Is There A Standard Size For A Table Runner?
Although you can purchase table runners in a range of sizes, they tend to fall within this standard bracket of 36 to 108 inches long.
This wide bracket ensures that tables of all lengths have a table runner that will fit them and still hang off the end of the table.
The variety in length also means that you can choose how much of your table runner hangs off the end of a table.
If you don’t like a lot hanging over, or if you are worried about pets jumping up and nibbling it, you can opt for a shorter drop of 2 inches.
On the other hand, you could go for an even longer drop and have your table runner hanging over the edge by as much as 12 inches!
The range of lengths available allows you to tailor the table runner to your needs. It also means that those with unique or awkwardly shaped tables are more likely to find a runner that suits them.
And as there is such a variety of lengths, you will also find a variety of lengths when it comes to tablecloth sizes!
You can find a tablecloth that will fit any length or sized table, meaning your days of having a corner of your table poking out are long behind you!
What’s more, you don’t need to spend a fortune either to have a tablecloth and runner that suits you.
You can pick them up at an affordable price in-store and online, or you can try your hand at crafting and making your own!
Online stores like Etsy are also full of homemade table runners and cloths that you could purchase.
A lot of these sellers also do custom orders, so now nothing is stopping you from having the table runner of your dreams!
Final Thoughts
And there you have it, a table runner should be long enough to run the length of your table and hang six inches off each side.
Of course, there is flexibility here and the length of the table runner must work best for you and your table.